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Resolute Forest Products
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À propos de nous
Vision et valeurs
Équipe de direction
Gouvernance d’entreprise
Conseil d’administration
Prix et reconnaissance
Notre histoire
Pâte commerciale
Papier tissu
Produits du bois
Papier journal
Papiers fins non couchés
Papiers Super-Brite
Papiers surcalandrés
Papiers d’édition
Papiers Hi-Brite
Papiers pour annuaires
Outils de calcul du papier
Comparaison de coût
Mesures du rouleau
Pourcentage de perte
Conversion des unités de mesure
Poids moyen du rouleau
Équivalents du poids de base
Pâte commerciale
Papier tissu
Produits du bois
Opérations forestières
Développement durable
Notre approche en matière de développement durable
Priorités communes
Engagements publics
Rapports sur le développement durable
Index de contenu GRI
Objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU
Performance ESG en chiffres
Partenariats au sein de l’industrie
Foresterie et approvisionnement en fibre
Certification forestière
Chaîne de traçabilité
Certification par établissement
Règlements forestiers
Changements climatiques et énergie
Empreinte carbone
Émissions de portée 3
Énergie verte
Performance environnementale des usines
Gestion de l’environnement
Outils de comparaison environnementale
Loi ontarienne sur la réduction des toxiques
Indicateurs de performance clés
Conservation et biodiversité
Forêt boréale
Aires protégées
Partenariats de recherche
Produits écoefficaces
Perspectives relatives au papier
Fibre recyclée
Participation de la collectivité
Engager le dialogue
Collaboration avec les peuples autochtones
Indicateurs de performance clés
Santé et sécurité
Performance en matière de sécurité
Innovations et prix
Ressources humaines
Relations de travail
Indicateurs de performance clés
Information éclair
Communiqués de presse
Réseaux sociaux et blogues
Documents visuels
Logo et guide d’identité visuelle
Contacts pour les médias
Alertes par courriel
Texte de grande taille
Texte de taille moyenne
Texte de petite taille
Version imprimable
Rapports à la SEC
Rapports à la SEC
Année civile 2023
Année civile 2022
Année civile 2021
Année civile 2020
Année civile 2019
Année civile 2018
Année civile 2017
Année civile 2016
Année civile 2015
Année civile 2014
Année civile 2013
Année civile 2012
Année civile 2011
Année civile 2010
Année civile 2009
Année civile 2008
Année civile 2007
Tous les dépôts
Rapports annuels
Rapports trimestriels
Rapports courants
Déclarations d'enregistrement
Section 16
Fusions et acquisitions
Circulaire de sollicitation de procurations
SC 13G
Schedule filed to report acquisition of beneficial ownership of 5% or more of a class of equity securities by passive investors and certain institutions
Open Schedule filed to report acquisition of beneficial ownership of 5% or more of a class of equity securities by passive investors and certain institutions in HTML.
Open Schedule filed to report acquisition of beneficial ownership of 5% or more of a class of equity securities by passive investors and certain institutions in DOC file.
Open Schedule filed to report acquisition of beneficial ownership of 5% or more of a class of equity securities by passive investors and certain institutions in PDF file.
Open Schedule filed to report acquisition of beneficial ownership of 5% or more of a class of equity securities by passive investors and certain institutions in XLS file.
SC 13D/A
Amendment to a SC 13D filing
Open Amendment to a SC 13D filing in HTML.
Open Amendment to a SC 13D filing in DOC file.
Open Amendment to a SC 13D filing in PDF file.
Open Amendment to a SC 13D filing in XLS file.
SC 13D
Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5%
Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in HTML.
Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in DOC file.
Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in PDF file.
Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in XLS file.
Termination of registration under Section 12(b) or suspension of duty to file reports
Open Termination of registration under Section 12(b) or suspension of duty to file reports in HTML.
Open Termination of registration under Section 12(b) or suspension of duty to file reports in DOC file.
Open Termination of registration under Section 12(b) or suspension of duty to file reports in PDF file.
Open Termination of registration under Section 12(b) or suspension of duty to file reports in XLS file.
Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing
Open Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing in HTML.
Open Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing in DOC file.
Open Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing in PDF file.
Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer
Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.
Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file.
Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC
Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in HTML.
Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in DOC file.
Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in PDF file.
Open Correspondence from the Filer to the SEC in XLS file.
Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer
Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in DOC file.
Open Correspondence from the SEC to the Filer in PDF file.
SC 13G/A
Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G
Open Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G in HTML.
Open Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G in DOC file.
Open Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G in PDF file.
Open Amendment to a previously filed SC 13G in XLS file.
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